Monday 18 April 2011

Persiapan Pesta Pantun 2011

Ini adalah lanjutan daripada persiapan sebagai tuan rumah pesta pantun sekolah-sekolah menengah Bahagian Betong 2011....Semoga semuanya berjalan lancar seperti yang dirancangkan...

Sibuk gayanya

Banyaknya ketam

Mesyuarat AJK Pesta Pantun 2011

Sunday 17 April 2011

Fluency in 5 easy steps

Does the task of learning English seem overwhelming? Fear not! Just like a baby learning to walk, you need to take it step by step. Read our advice and you will soon be running down the road to fluent English!

Start with a Smile

No matter what your level of English, a pinch of confidence can go a long way. To become fluent in English, you must be willing to take a few risks, and that requires courage. A confident speaker with a smile can create a great first impression, even if a few mistakes are made along the way.

Memorize More than Words

Do you know tons of vocabulary but have no idea how to use the words? Try learning phrases or whole sentences to give you a fuller understanding of their meaning. This will give you many more tools for communication.

Listen to Learn

When listening to English radio, news or movies, try to analyze what you hear. As English is filled with idioms, keep a notebook to write down new phrases and words. If you are speaking to a native speaker, make note of the way they use certain words. Learning from natural speech will let you move out of textbook English and into the real world of speaking.

Exercise those Vocal Cords

It's time to start a workout routine for your voice! If you have no one to talk to, try reading out loud, describing pictures in magazines, or objects in your room. You can also recite lines from plays and speeches, or practice presenting an argument. Remember the only way to feel comfortable speaking is to practice, so use that voice!

Take Up Modeling

Model the speech patterns of native speakers. Stress and intonation are key aspects of English, and affect the meaning of what you say. So whip out a DVD, and have the remote handy. Practice listening to and repeating the words of the actors at a natural pace, which in English means fast! This will not only speed up your speech, but also your progress on the path to fluency.


On 19th to 20th April 2011, the VOKBET debate team is going to be competing at the Parlimentary Style debate, Betong divisional 2011 at SMK Kabong. The training under Mr. Thomas and Miss Ophelia and with the help from Mr. Sangin, the training has started since last two weeks to improve all the weaknesses that we had during KAT, Miri. We try to improve on it and perform the best.
For this year competition, VOKBET debate team is a bit lucky as we don't have to go through the first round and we are going to start the competition at the quater final round against SMK Kabong...the pressure is on as SMK Kabong is the organizer this year. Obviously, they are going to have a great support from their own supporters...but VOKBET won't give up easily and we believe..the best will win once they start to speak on the stage. Nadi Bahasa Vokbet wishes all the best for the debate team and try to be the best among the best and try to win all the stages. We believe VOKBET can do it.
These are the titles for this year competition:
  1. This house believes that competition can bring more progress to civilization than cooperation (1st Round)
  2. This house believes that freedom of press is the greatest motivation to social change (Quater Final)
  3. This house believes that technology will eventually destroy civilization (Semi final)
  4. This house believes that in national development, software strength is more important than hardware strength (Final)

Vokbet Debate team

Latihan Pesta Pantun

Ini adalah sambungan kepada persediaan Pesta Pantun Sekolah-sekolah Menengah Daerah Betong yang akan dianjurkan oleh SM Vokasional Betong pada 20 dan 21 April 2011 nanti. Saya sempat melihat perkembangan latihan guru-guru dan pelajar-pelajar yang terlibat semasa mereka membuat latihan. Saya mengucapkan tahniah di atas usaha yang dijalankan dan semoga berjaya semasa pertandingan itu nanti.

                                         Harimah mati meninggalkan belang,
                                          Gajah mati meninggalkan tulang
                                           Manusia mati nama dikenang,
                                        Bakat disanjung, khidmat cemerlang

Latihan bersama Cikgu Umarudin

Gigih mencari bahan

Cikgu Rosnani dan Cikgu Sangin yang gigih mencari bahan terbaik...

Pidato Piala Di Raja

Pada 13 April 2011 bertempat di SMK Klaka, Roban telah berlangsung pertandingan Pidato Piala Di Raja di antara sekolah-sekolah menengah Bahagian Betong. SMV Betong telah diwakili adik Izzul Hazwan B Shamsu daripada 4 EE 1 untuk mewakili sekolah di dalam pertandingan itu. Walaupun tempoh latihan adalah singkat, adik Izzul telah memberikan komitment yang sangat baik di bawah latihan guru pengiring iaitu Cikgu Thoo Lee Moi. Sesungguhnya Nadi Bahasa Vokbet mengucapkan syabas kepada Cikgu Thoo dan adik Izzul di atas usaha yang ditunjukkan. Walaupun tidak mendapat merangkul mana mana tempat di dalam pertandingan itu, Nadi Vokbet yakin bahawa Mohd Izzul telah menunjukkan satu semangat pertandingan yang baik. Tahun depan kita boleh usaha dan cuba lagi. Tahniah buat SMK Spaoh yang telah mendapat kedudukan Johan pada pertandingan itu.

Latihan bersama Cikgu Thoo Lee Moi

Cuba menghafal yer?

Gigih mengingati isi pidato

Wakil VOKBET, Izzul Hazwan B Shamsu

Sunday 10 April 2011

Pesta Pantun: Persediaan

Menjadi tuan rumah untuk sesuatu pertandingan bukanlah satu tanggungjawab yang mudah. Begitulah hendaklah buat Bidang Bahasa SMV Betong yang diamanahkan untuk menjadi tuan rumah untuk Pesta Pantun Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah peringkat Bahagian Betong 2011. Pesta Pantun ini akan diadakan pada 20 - 21 April 2011 nanti.

Antara persiapan awal yang dilakukan oleh Bidang Bahasa ialah dengan mengadakan mesyuarat bidang yang memfokuskan kepada persediaan awal dan pemilihan AJK untuk Pesta Pantun kali ini. Selain itu, beberapa kerja belakang tabir telah pun dimulakan dan diantaranya ialah proses membuat "backdrop wordings" yang akan digunakan untuk hiasan pentas nanti.

Selain itu, Cikgu Umarudin dan Cikgu Rosnani juga telah memulakan latihan bersama pasukan Pesta Pantun VOKBET. Pada kali ini, guru kaunselor VOKBET, Cikgu Sangin yang cukup berkaliber juga turut turun padang bersama sama membantu pasukan Pesta Pantun VOKBET...semoga pasukan tahun ini akan lebih mantap dan mampu memberikan saingan yang hebat kepada pasukan yang lain....Ikutilah perkembangan persediaan Pesta Pantun ini seterusnya nanti..

Tugas memotong board dengan teliti

Tugas membentuk abjad yang akan digunakan

Tugas melekatkan abjad pada board

Hasil awal

Memeriksa dan memastikan semua abjab siap disediakan

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Puisi Tradisional...Pantun

Pantun adalah karangan berangkap yang menggunakan bahasa yang indah dan mempunyai maksud tersurat dan tersirat. Pantun dikategorikan berdasarkan fungsinya, iaitu pantun kanak-kanak, pantun budi, pantun sindiran, pantun jenaka, pantun nasihat, pantun teka-teki dan sebagainya.
Pantun terbahagi kepada pantun dua kerat, empat kerat, enam kerat, lapan kerat, sepuluh kerat, dua belas kerat dan pantun berkait.

Antara pantun popular di kalangan rakyat Malaysia:

Dua tiga kucing berlari,
Mana nak sama si kucing belang,
Dua tiga boleh ku cari,
Mana nak sama cik adik sorang.

Buah cempedak di luar pagar,
Ambil galah tolong jolokkan
Saya budak baru belajar,
kalau salah tolong tunjukkan. 

Siakap senohong,
Gelama ikan berduri,
Bercakap bohong,
lama-lama mencuri

Sorong papan tarik papan,
Buah keranji dalam perahu,
Suruh makan dia makan,
Suruh mengaji dia tak mahu.

Sebab pulut santan terasa,
Sebab mulut badan binasa.

Antologi Dirgahayu Bahasaku


Putik kelapa menjadi muda,
Kelapa muda jadi kemirau,
Sudah kemirau menjadi kotai,
Hati luka pura tiada,
Rasa pedih buat tak hirau,
Ibarat kaca jatuh ke lantai.

Ambil galah jolok kedondong,
Galah pendek buluh sumpitan,
Buluh bersisip tali jerami,
Bukan salah ibu mengandung,
Sudah takdir sudah suratan,
Sudah nasib jadi begini.

Sarat bermuat ikan cencaru,
Gelama tidak berumpan lagi,
Kali tersangkut di tepi batang,
Sudah dapat orang yang baru,
Yang lama tidak berkenan lagi,
Ibarat melukut di tepi gantang.


Rangkap Pertama
Seseorang yang sedang kecewa tidak menunjukkan kesedihannya itu dihadapan orang lain.

Rangkap Kedua
Nasib yang menimpa seseorang bukan disebabkan oleh faktor keturunan.

Rangkap Ketiga
Seseorang dilupakan apabila kekasihnya mendapat teman baru.

Untung nasib manusia di dunia ini yang adakalanya mengalami nasib tidak baik.

  1. Orang yang suka memendam perasaan.
  2. Nasib baik atau buruk yang dialami oleh seseorang.
  3. Kesedihan yang ditanggung oleh seseorang yang ditinggalkan oleh kekasihnya.
Nilai Murni
  1. Kesabaran dalam menghadapi masalah atau penderitaan hidup.
  2. Mengenang jasa ibu yang telah melahirkan kita.
  3. Reda / Tabah menerima suratan takdir.
  1. Kita hendaklah bersabar apabila menghadapi masalah.
  2. Janganlah kita suka menyimpan perasaan sedih kerana akan menggangu urusan kehidupan.
  3. Kita haruslah memilih pasangan yang setia agar tidak dikecewakan.

Peribahasa Lambang Budaya

Disini Nadi Bidang Bahasa ingin kongsikan beberapa peribahasa nilai murni yang pelajar-pelajar boleh pelajari dan fahami maksudnya. Diharapkan perkongsian ini akan banyak membantu pelajar memahami peribahasa melayu yang sering diungkapkan dan digunakan di dalam penulisan, pemahaman dan perbualan. Banyak lagi yang akan dikongsikan pada masa yang akan datang.

Tema: Baik Hati / Berbudi Bahasa / Berhemah Tinggi
  • Baik membawa resmi padi daripada membawa resmi lalang - Merendah diri lebih baik daripada bersikap sombong.
  • Buat baik berpada-pada, buat jahat jangan sekali - Melakukan kebaikan biarlah berpatutan tetapi elakkan daripada berbuat jahat.
  • Hancur badan dikandung tanag, budi yang baik dikenang juga - Seseorang yang berbuat bakti dan jasa akan sentiasa dikenang walaupun telah meninggal dunia.
  • Hidup kayu berubah, hidup manusia biar berjasa - Berbuat baik semasa hidup untuk diri sendiri dan masyarakat.
  • Kalau asal benih yang baik, jatuh ke laut menjadi pulau - Orang yang berketurunan baik, ke mana-mana dia pergi akan baik juga jadinya.
  • Umpama minyak setitik, di laut sekalipun timbul jua - Orang yang baik biar di mana-mana sekalipun akan dimuliakan juga.

Monday 4 April 2011

New Literature SPM Format

This is the latest from Education Ministry which it is about the format for 1119 English Paper 2, section D dated 26th January 2011 based on Surat Pekeliling Ikhtisas Bil. 7/2000, Pertukaran Teks Komponen Sastera (KOMSAS) where they have decided about the examination format for this section. I hope this news will really help our teachers in giving and teaching also to the students in preparing themselves to do the best in their SPM examination.

Latest Format 2011.
Section D
1. Poem (any one poem either from form 4 or form 5) : 5 Marks
Structured questions.

2. Novel (The Curse) : 15 Marks
Open question

The short stories and the drama will not be tested.. Just for reading pleasure. (A good news I believe for the students...)

Summary Writing

For all my students, here I would like to share the guidelines in writing a good summary. I know it is not easy but trust me, if we keep trying and learning from our mistakes...the results will be good and perfect in the future. I hope with this guidelines, all of you can write a good piece of summary and score a good score for your summary section...GOOD LUCK

For the summary writing task, you are required to write a summary of not more than 130 words (including the ten words given). The summary will be based on the reading comprehension passage in Paper 2. The passage is usually between 600 - 700 words in length. You are expected to spend 40 minutes on the summary section.

1. Read the passage to understand what the passage is about.
2. Next, read the summary question carefully. Mark the specified portion of the passage which is required for the summary.
3. Study the summary questions again and underline the key words and phrases for example, 'problems', 'reasons', 'causes', 'effects', 'feelings', 'reactions', 'what the writer did', etc.
4. Read the passage again. Select the main points by underlining them or by writing short notes.
5. You should not
  • include examples and illustrations in your summary.
  • express your own opinions.
  • use direct speech.
  • copy word for word from the passage.
  • exceed the number of words stated.
  • spend more than 40 minutes allotted for this question.
6. Write your first draft. Keep to the number of words stipulated. try to use your own words as much as possible.
7. Edit your draft.
8. Link all your points so that they flow smoothly. Use sentence connectors such as 'besides', 'moreover', 'similiarly', 'consequently', 'however', 'then' and 'finally'.
9. Read the passage again and check on grammar.

By following these guidelines, I really hope you can write the best for your summary script. Never give up before you try. I might be very difficult for the first time....but remember, a thousand journey starts with your first step....GOOD LUCK from Nadi Bahasa VOKBET

Experience Is The Best Teacher

The competition has over....and proudly to say...Nadi Bidang Bahasa is so proud with our Choral Speaking team this year as they have performed their best in the Inter-School Choral Speaking competition in the divisional level. They have make all the teachers in charged to be proud with their performance which is much more better and has improved a lot compared to last year. Even though we didn't win the competition but we managed to improve our ranking from no 7 in 2010 to no 4....which is so closed for VOKBET team to grab the throphy for second runner up place. Never mind as "Experience is the best teacher" and that will make us to work harder and improve more for next year competition.
Here is the result for 2011 Inter-School Choral Speaking Competition, Betong divisional level. Congratulation to all the winning team...for VOKBET....we still have next year for us to prove that VOKBET BOLEH!!!!




So orange...but nice

VOKBET Conductor in action

Like This!!!

Sunday 3 April 2011


In The Midst of Hardship by Latiff Mohidin

At dawn they returned home
their soaky clothes torn
and approached the stove
their limbs marked by scratches
their legs full of wounds
but in their brows
there were no sign of despair

The whole night and day just passed
They had to brave the horrendous flood
in the water all the time
between bloated carcasses
and tiny chips of tree barks
desparately looking for their son's
albino buffallo that was never found

They were born admist hardship
and grew without a sigh or a complaint
now they are in the kitchen, making
jokes while rolling over their ciggarate leaves


In this poem, the poet tells of the situation of a farmer and his family. They come back at dawn after being out in the floodwater for a day and night. They are looking for their albino buffalo. They come back wet and hurt but they do not show any despair. They have been born into a life of hardship and have never complained. Now, they are in the kitchen and they joke and talk while preparing to relax with a smoke.


The villagers returned home at daybreak and their clothes were torn and wet. they walked over the stove. they had scratches on their hands and their legs were full of cuts. However, they did not knit their brows to show despair.

The villagers had spent a whole day and night walking through the horrible floodwater. the water was full of broken twigs, pieces of tree barks and bloated animal carcasses. They had been desperately looking for their son's albino buffalo. However they did not find it.

The villagers had been born into a hard life and yet, they grew up without a sigh or complaint. Now, after that difficult day and night, they are laughing and exchanging jokes and preparing to relax with a smoke in the kitchen.


1. Life's hardship and stoicism in life.
2. Accepting, with a positive outlook, circumstances that cannot be changed.
3. Family love and care.


1. We should learn to accept problems in life with a positive outlook.
2. We must attempt to face and solve problems.
3. Failure is part of growing up.
4. Do not despair in the face of failure.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Choral Speaking Training

"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."

It has been a week for us, Mr. Thomas, Miss Ophelia, Mr. Sangin and Madam Suhadna training our form 4 students in the preparation for the Inter-school Choral Speaking competition for the divisional level. It seems hard based on last year experience but the determination between four of us have made it accomplished. We confidently believe that there is nothing wrong if we try and work hard for it. Nothing is impossible.
This year, the response was amazingly shocking as 53 students turned up for the audition but unfortunately only 35 students can be selected...Sorry guys...(If we could, we would like to bring all of you). This year the host for the competition is SMK Saratok....Here VOKBET comes.....Wish we all luck for the competition with our topic "TEACHERS". The competition is on 4th of April 2011.
Here are some pictures of our training session.

Shukri...The Choral Speaking Conductor.

Selamat Pengantin Baru..Puan Rosnani

Rasanya masih belum terlambat lagi untuk kami di Nadi Bahasa VOKBET untuk mengucapkan Selamat Pengantin Baru kepada salah seorang guru Bahasa Melayu kami yang melangsungkan pernikahannya pada bulan Mac yang lalu iaitu Puan Rosnani Jusoh dengan Kaunselor SMV Betong iaitu En. Muhirman. Semoga berkekalan sehingga ke anak cucu.....Tahniah dari kami di Nadi Bahasa VOKBET.

Pengantin Baru di meja santapan...serba merah...TAHNIAH MAN & NANI..

Friday 1 April 2011

Komuniti Nadi Bahasa VOKBET 2011

Untuk tahun 2011, bidang Bahasa VOKBET meneruskan perjuangannya dalam mendidik anak anak VOKBET untuk mencapai keputusan SPM yang maksimum. Tanpa murid apalah ertinya wujud sesebuah institusi pendidikan. Maka tanpa guru apalah ertinya bidang bahasa VOKBET.
Untuk sesi 2011, bidang bahasa VOKBET dibarisi guru guru Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris yang cukup berpengalaman dan berdedikasi dalam mendidik anak bangsa menjadi insan berilmu pengetahuan yang maksimum dalam menguasai Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris semaksimumnya.
Bidang Bahasa VOKBET dibarisi 8 orang guru Bahasa Melayu dan 8 orang guru Bahasa Inggeris yang datang dari pelbagai latar belakang, tempat, agama dan bangsa namun mempunyai satu visi dan misi yang sama iaitu memdidik dan melahirkan anak anak bangsa yang berjaya di dalam bidang bahasa sewajarnya seiring dengan tuntutan dunia luar yang penuh dengan cabaran.
Disenaraikan barisan guru guru Bidang Bahasa yang cukup berdedikasi untuk tatapan anda. Semoga perkenalan ini akan kekal selamanya...Buat semua warga pendidik bidang Bahasa, teruskanlah perjuangan anda semua menjadi lilin yang menerangi seluruh kegelapan agar cahaya kecil itu mampu memimpin mereka yang memerlukannya ke jalan yang terbaik dan gemilang.

Ketua Bidang Bahasa
Nama: Thomas Anak Reddy
Asal: Kuching, Sarawak
Matapelajaran diajar: Bahasa Inggeris
Pengalaman Mengajar: 8 Tahun

Ketua Panitia Bahasa Melayu
Nama: Umarudin Bin Piee
Asal: Pusa, Sarawak
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Melayu
Pengalaman Mengajar: 7 Tahun

Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris
Nama: Ophelia Jane Liew
Asal: Sri Aman, Sarawak
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Inggeris
Pengalaman Mengajar: 3 Tahun

Nama: Azmi Bin Aziz
Asal: Batu Pahat, Johor
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Inggeris
Pengalaman Mengajar: 19 Tahun

Nama: Anthony Midil
Asal: Sematan, Sarawak
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Inggeris
Pengalaman Mengajar: 10 Tahun

Nama: Edwin Brundang
Asal: Saratok, Sarawak
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Inggeris
Pengalaman Mengajar: 27 Tahun

Nama: Zulrushdi Zakaria
Asal: Betong, Sarawak
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Inggeris
Pengalaman Mengajar: 17 Tahun

Nama: Julia Anak Solomon
Asal: Betong, Sarawak
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Inggeris
Pengalaman Mengajar: 21 Tahun

Nama: Suhadna Bte Udin
Asal: Sri Aman, Sarawak
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Inggeris
Pengalaman Mengajar: 10 Tahun

Nama: Thoo Lee Moi
Asal: Kuching, Sarawak
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Melayu
Pengalaman Mengajar: 1 Tahun

Nama: Benny Menik
Asal: Serian, Sarawak
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Melayu
Pengalaman Mengajar: 4 Tahun

Nama: Jumina Bte Malimbroni
Asal: Sandakan, Sabah
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Melayu
Pengalaman Mengajar: 3 Tahun

Nama: Norliana Bte Suai
Asal: Spaoh, Sarawak
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Melayu
Pengalaman Mengajar: 17 Tahun

Nama: Rosta @ Rosita Bte Azool
Asal: Nyabor, Sarawak
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Melayu
Pengalaman Mengajar: 17 Tahun

Nama: Rosnani Bte Jusoh
Asal: Kodiang, Kedah
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Melayu
Pengalaman Mengajar: 2 Tahun

Nama: Siti Hajar Bte Ahmad
Asal: Kota Samarahan, Sarawak
Matapelajaran Diajar: Bahasa Melayu
Pengalaman Mengajar: 3 Tahun